We are a theoretical physics group working on topics in quantum thermodynamics and quantum information theory.
Our research focus is the interplay of quantum and thermal fluctuations in quantum systems, and the extension of thermodynamics to the quantum regime. Quantum thermodynamics research underpins technological developments that miniaturise to the nanoscale with applications expected for nano- and quantum machines, data storage, quantum computation and communication, and diagnostic healthcare devices.
More about the group’s research can be found on the research page.

Physics has a new neighbour – the Living Systems Institute (LSI) is a new institute bringing together biologists, chemists, mathematicians and physicists. The LSI is pioneering interdisciplinary research to tackle diseases, including how they can be better diagnosed and treated.
Streatham is a beautiful landscaped campus with the award winning Forum building at its centre.

Current workshop/conference and job announcements can be found here.
A map of research groups who participate in the network is here.
Our research is co-funded by the Royal Society, EPSRC and the COST cooperation (part of the EU research framework programme Horizon2020).